SCCM Books

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Who is installed Software's ?

Collection for computers that failed to run an advertisement


Who is installed Software's ?

Troubleshooting SCCM Software Updates


VB Script to Clear SCCM Client Cache (C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Cache)


on error resume next

dim oUIResManager
dim oCache
dim oCacheElement
dim oCacheElements

set oUIResManager = createobject(“UIResource.UIResourceMgr”)

if oUIResManager is nothing then
      wscript.echo “Couldn’t create Resource Manager – quitting”
end if

set oCache=oUIResManager.GetCacheInfo()

if oCache is nothing then
      set oUIResManager=nothing
      wscript.echo “Couldn’t get cache info – quitting”
end if

set oCacheElements=oCache.GetCacheElements

for each oCacheElement in oCacheElements

set oCacheElements=nothing
set oUIResManager=nothing
set oCache=nothing




Do you want to collect all clients LOG files to send it to some one ?

use this script below …

1. Create a folder and place the following batch files and txt file on it: Collect.bat, TestAll.bat, TestPC.bat, and Computers.txt. The codes for the batch files are given below. Place the name or ip address of the machines in computers.txt (one computer name/ip address per line)

2. Run TestAll.bat

3. A folder named “Result” will be created inside the folder where the batch files are located. This folder will contain the log files of the machines that you entered in computers.txt

A. Collect.bat

MD .\Result\%1
MD .\Result\%1\CCMLog
MD .\Result\%1\CCMSETUPLog
xcopy \\%1\admin$\system32\ccm\logs\*.* .\Result\%1\CCMLog /E /Y
xcopy \\%1\admin$\system32\ccmsetup\*.log .\Result\%1\CCMSETUPLog /E /Y

B. TestAll.bat

rd  /Q /S .\Result_OLD
Move /Y .\Result .\Result_OLD
rd  /Q /S .\Result
MD .\Result

del FailPing.txt
del FailConnect.txt
del Succeed.txt
for /f %%i in (computers.txt) do call TestPC %%i

C. TestPC.bat

@echo off
REM usage: TestPC PCName

if not %1. == . goto INSTALL
Echo Usage: TestPC PCName
goto END

REM @echo on
Echo Now test %1

Echo Now try to ping %1
ping %1 -n 1 | find /i “ttl=” && Goto ONLINE

Echo can ping %1
Echo Now try to connect to \\%1\Admin$
Dir \\%1\Admin$ >nul
If ERRORLEVEL=1 goto ConnectionFailed
Echo Connection test succeeded for %1. Can connect to \\%1\admin$.
Echo %1 >>.\result\Succeed.txt
Echo Now collecting data
call Collect.bat %1
goto END

echo cannot ping %1
Echo %1 >>.\result\FailPing.txt
goto Failed

Echo cannot connect to \\%1\admin$.
Echo %1 >>.\result\FailConnect.txt
goto Failed

Echo Connection test failed for %1


D. Computers.txt

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