SCCM Books

Monday, October 13, 2008

SCCM 2007 Virtual Application all Packages Tools Pdf files and Scripts how to use them

Using the Virtual Application Package Tools

The following list of procedures describes how to use the tools that are available to help manage virtual application packages in your Configuration Manager 2007 environment. By default, the files are located in the following directory: <ConfigMgrInstallationPath> \ SMS \ Tools \ VirtualApp.


Use the AppVirtMgmtClient.sms file to create a Configuration Manager 2007 package to distribute the Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Client. For more information about installing the App-V client, see How to Install the Microsoft Application Virtualization Client.


By default, the program created by AppVirtMgmtClient.sms file will restart the target computer because the App-V client setup needs to update files used by the operating system. When you upgrade from previous versions of the App-V client, you must use the setting ConfigMgr restarts computer. For new App-V client deployments, you can change this program setting to No action required. However, you should install the App-V client setup manually in a test environment to ensure the computer does not need to be restarted as part of the installation.

After the App-V client has been installed, software metering for virtual application packages will not be available until after you have restarted the target computer. You should choose the setting ConfigMgr restarts computer if you plan to run software metering for virtual application packages.


Use the AppVirtMgmtSequencer.sms file to install the App-V sequencer into your Configuration Manager 2007 environment. For more information about installing an application using a program definition file, see How to Create a Package from a Package Definition File.

Using the ManageVAppPackage.vbs Script

You can use the ManageVAppPackage.vbs file to import new virtual applications and update existing virtual application packages in Configuration Manager 2007.

Use the following procedure to manage virtual application packages

To manage virtual application packages

Open a command prompt. Navigate to the directory containing the ManageVAppPackage.vbs. The default location is <ConfigMgrInstallationPath> \ SMS \ Tools \ VirtualApp \ ManageVAppPackage.vbs.

To update an existing virtual application package, or to import a new virtual application, type the applicable command.


To import a new virtual application, type the following command using your values:

cscript ManageVAppPackage.vbs /Action ADD /SGVAppSource VirtualApplicationSourceDirectory /SMSVAppSource \\Server\VappsourceDirectory\VirtualApplicationName [/DPList \\Server\Share] [/PackageName YourPackageName] [/PackageComment YourPackageComment] [/Manufacturer YourManufacturer] [/Language YourLanguage]

To update an existing virtual application package, type the following command using your values:

cscript ManageVAppPackage.vbs /Action UPDATE /PackageID YourPackageID /SGVAppSource VirtualApplicationSourceDirectory /PackageName YourPackageName [/PackageComment YourPackageComment] [/Manufacturer YourManufacturer] [/Language YourLanguage]

Use the value descriptions in the following table to help you determine the actual text you will use with the preceding commands.

Value  Description 


 Specifies if a new virtual application will be imported or an existing package will be upgraded. To import a new virtual application, use the ADD parameter. To update an existing virtual application package, use the UPDATE parameter. If you are importing a new virtual application, do not specify an associated PackageID. If you are updating an existing virtual application package, do not use the /DPList parameter.


 Specifies the source location for the App-V virtual application. Configuration Manager 2007 will copy the contents from the specified directory. The directory specified can be a local folder or a folder specified by using UNC format.


 Specifies the Configuration Manager 2007 source folder. You must specify this location using UNC format.


 Specifies the package name for the virtual application package. If no name is specified, Configuration Manager 2007 will assign the name specified in the associated manifest file.


 Specifies the distribution points that the virtual application package will be added to. If you want to add the package to all distribution points, use an asterisk (*).


 Specifies the comment that will be associated with the virtual application package.


 Specifies the Configuration Manager 2007 package associated with the virtual application.


 Specifies the manufacturer that will be associated with the virtual application package.


 Specifies the language that will be associated with the virtual application package.

Using the SetRetensionRules.vbs Script

You can configure retention rules for virtual application packages by using the SetRetentionRules.vbs file. This script can be used only on a primary Configuration Manager 2007 site.

Use the following procedure to set the retention rules for virtual application packages located on Configuration Manager 2007 distribution points.

To set virtual application package retention rules

Open a command prompt. Navigate to the directory containing SetRetentionRules.vbs. The default location is <ConfigMgrInstallationPath> \ SMS \ Tools \ VirtualApp \ SetRetentionRules.vbs.

To set the retention rules, type the following command, replacing the text in brackets with your values:

cscript SetRetentionRules.vbs [TransitionDays] [Max Versions]

Use the value descriptions in the following table to help you determine the actual text you will use in the preceding command.

Value  Description 


 Specifies the number of days virtual application packages will be saved.

Max Versions

 Specifies the maximum number of versions that will be saved.


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