SCCM Books

Monday, March 5, 2012

PowerShell in Nutshell learn from these steps

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    Enable RDP in the Task Sequence

    Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    strComputer = "."

    Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
    strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

    strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server"

    strValueName = "fDenyTSConnections"
    dwValue = 0
    oReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    How to disable the UAC in Windows 7 Deployment

    In fact we might get more errors if you have the UAC enabled while deploying the Windows 7, You can include one step in the task sequence as run a command line and fill this below in the command line box

    “CMD /C REG.EXE ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f”



    Note: Not required any options in the options to configure however you can record with a optional Success Code “0 3010”

    How to set the Timezone

    How to set the Timezone with in one task sequence… like you have more than one location and all these locations has different time zones…


    To do this under the task sequence Apply Windows Settings in the options TS Variable is ADSite name equals is “WhateverTheSite” and in the Properties Time Zone choose the time you wanted…




    On AD & exchange simply good website

    OSD import permission Issue

    We might get when we are looking for only import permissions for a user or Group..


    even when we setup the permissions at the end of the wizard we may get this error..


    ·You do not have security rights to perform this operation.

    ·ConfigMgr Error Object:

    ·instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus


    · Description = “User \”*************\” does not have permission of the current site to import machines.”;

    · ErrorCode = 1112017920;

    · File = “e:\\nts_sms_fre\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\sspsite.cpp”;

    · Line = 766;

    · ObjectInfo = “524288″;

    · Operation = “ExecMethod”;

    · ParameterInfo = “SMS_Site”;

    · ProviderName = “WinMgmt”;

    · StatusCode = 2147749889;



    The actual permissions required at SCCM Console level is:

    1. On SCCM Root Collections we must grant read & read Resource
    2. and for the target of the collection we need to give the permissions to add or whatever you wanted
    3. at computer Association level we must give permissions for importing
    4. (The most common mistake or un- mentioned step ..this one we may forget most of the time)

    On the top of the Site ==Properties=> Security Tab => Class Security rights and we must choose here read,Import Computer Entry (below screenshot)



    How to grant the SCCM Console permissions to Support Executive

    Scenario SCCM installed on & I have a test system with windows XP/7.
    I have a User called RBAC and RBAC wanted some permissions on SCCM console.


    Install the SCCM console on windows Xp/7

    add the RBAC user to SMS Admins Group.

    Follow these steps for granting the DCOM rights.

    1. From SCCM Server the Start menu, click Run and type Dcomcnfg.exe.

    2. In Component Services, click Console root, expand Component Services, expand Computers, and then click My Computer. On the Action menu, click Properties.

    3. In the My Computer Properties dialog box, on the COM Security tab, in the Launch and Activation Permissions section, click Edit Limits.

    4. In the Launch Permissions dialog box, click Add.

    5. In the Select User, Computers, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select (examples): box, typeSMS Admins and click OK.

    6. In the Permissions for SMS Admins section, select the check box to allow Remote Activation.

    7. Click OK twice, and then close Computer Management.

    Friday, February 17, 2012

    C drive disk space information on my all machine

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.v_R_System.Name0 AS [System Name], dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.Name0 AS [C Drive], dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.Size0 AS [Total Size],
    dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.FreeSpace0 AS FreeSpace, dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.Size0 AS Used
    FROM dbo.v_R_System INNER JOIN
    dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.ResourceID INNER JOIN
    dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership ON dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership.ResourceID = dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID
    WHERE (dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.DriveType0 = 3) AND (dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership.CollectionID = 'sms00001') AND (dbo.v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.Name0 = 'c:')
    ORDER BY FreeSpace

    Wednesday, February 8, 2012

    For a specific Advertisement status for last 3 Days…

    ---for a specific Advertisement status for last 3 Days… if we include the Set   @AdvName = '%' line then and remove the above line in red color will show for all advertisements with last 3 days status

    -- To include all we need to give % in SQL this is a tip

    Declare     @AdvName Varchar(256)
    Set   @AdvName = 'Lync_2010_Full_Install'

    ---Set   @AdvName = '%'  
    Select      adv.AdvertisementName
    ,    adv.AdvertisementID
    ,    s.Host
    ,    LastAcceptanceMessageIDName
    ,    LastAcceptanceStateName
    ,    LastAcceptanceStatusTime
    ,    LastStatusMessageIDName
    ,    LastStateName
    ,    LastStatusTime
    ,    LastExecutionResult
    From  (
          Select      AdvertisementName
          ,    AdvertisementID
          From  dbo.v_AdvertisementInfo
          Where AdvertisementName Like @AdvName
          ) As  adv
    Join  (
          Select      AdvertisementID
          ,    ResourceID
          ,    LastAcceptanceMessageIDName
          ,    LastAcceptanceStateName
          ,    LastAcceptanceStatusTime
          ,    LastStatusMessageIDName
          ,    LastStateName
          ,    LastStatusTime
          ,    LastExecutionResult
          From  dbo.v_ClientAdvertisementStatus
          Where LastStatusTime >= DateAdd(d,-3,GetDate())
          ) As  cas
    On    adv.AdvertisementID = cas.AdvertisementID
    Join  (
          Select      ResourceID
          ,    Netbios_Name0 As Host
          From  dbo.v_R_System
          Where Client0 = 1
          And  Active0 = 1
          And  Obsolete0 = 0   
          ) As  s
    On    cas.ResourceID = s.ResourceID
    Order By
    ,    Host

    HeartBeat Discovery Status of specific collection of systems

        max(AD.AgentTime) as 'Date/Time'
        dbo.v_AgentDiscoveries ad
        JOIN dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs on AD.ResourceID = CS.ResourceId
        join dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on FCM.ResourceID = CS.ResourceId
        AgentName = 'Heartbeat Discovery'
        and FCM.CollectionID = 'SMS00001'
    Group by

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    To get ride of IIS Webdav issue

    Most of the time some or other application extension would be blocked because of IIS Webdav Settings issue, to stop filtering in IIS Webdav we can change the

    setting at the site level, i.e., open inetmgr/ IIS Console and chose the server name and in the right side we need to choose the “WebDav Authoring Rules” and in actions you will see “WebDAV  settings” click on the  button and you need to configure you Request filtering Behavior as below.




    Okey, we may read in the blogs as we need to change in the applicationHost.config file.. if we do above settings it must be appear in the file… okey if you want to see the file how it looks like ……..


                    <fileExtensions allowUnlisted="true" applyToWebDAV="false">

                        <add fileExtension=".asa" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".asax" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ascx" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".master" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".skin" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".browser" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".sitemap" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".config" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".cs" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".csproj" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".vb" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".vbproj" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".webinfo" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".licx" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".resx" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".resources" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".mdb" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".vjsproj" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".java" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".jsl" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ldb" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".dsdgm" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ssdgm" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".lsad" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ssmap" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".cd" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".dsprototype" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".lsaprototype" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".sdm" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".sdmDocument" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".mdf" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ldf" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ad" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".dd" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".ldd" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".sd" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".adprototype" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".lddprototype" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".exclude" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".refresh" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".compiled" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".msgx" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".vsdisco" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".exe" allowed="true" />

                        <add fileExtension=".vbs" allowed="true" />


                    <verbs allowUnlisted="true" applyToWebDAV="false" />

                    <hiddenSegments applyToWebDAV="false">

                        <add segment="web.config" />

                        <add segment="bin" />

                        <add segment="App_code" />

                        <add segment="App_GlobalResources" />

                        <add segment="App_LocalResources" />

                        <add segment="App_WebReferences" />

                        <add segment="App_Data" />

                        <add segment="App_Browsers" />



    Monday, February 6, 2012

    PXE error: PXE-T01:File not Found & PXE-E3B: TFTP Error – File Not Found


    You might get the below error..




    The above problem will come When you don’t Have the files in DriveLetter:\RemoteInstall\SMSBoot\  

    In fact the below article address the issue, However I have approached in different way as just copy the Missing files & folders from other Remote Install Folder and past on the Problem system.


    Friday, January 27, 2012

    AD computer Numbers vs SCCM Computer Numbers

    read here more

    AD it just another database, just like SQL server is. With that in mind there is nothing stopping you from using SQL to link to AD to give you data about your AD environment!

    1) Create Linked Server using SSMS

    exec master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Service Interfaces', 'ADSDSOObject', '<DC Name FQDN>'

    2) Modify the security for ADSI using SSMS

    exec master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'ADSI', @locallogin = NULL , @useself = N'False', @rmtuser = N'<Domian>\<User Id>', @rmtpassword = N'<Password>'

    3) The hard part is over!

    4) Create query to query AD and ConfigMgr

    This query will list all PCs within AD that are NOT within ConfigMgr (or SMS)

    select as 'PC Name(AD)',

    AD.operatingSystem as 'OS (AD)',

    AD.operatingSystemServicePack as 'SP (AD)'


    openquery (ADSI,

    'SELECT cn,



    FROM ''LDAP://<DC Name FQDN>''

    WHERE objectCategory = ''Computer''') as AD

    Where not in (Select name0 from v_GS_Computer_System as CS)

    order by,



    This query will give you a count of all OS that are NOT within ConfigMgr (or SMS)


    AD.operatingSystem as 'OS (AD)',



    openquery (ADSI,

    'SELECT cn,



    FROM ''LDAP://gartek-dc.gartek.tst''

    WHERE objectCategory = ''Computer''') as AD

    Where not in (Select name0 from v_GS_Computer_System as CS)

    Group by


    order by


    So what does this report look like.


    So there you have it.

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    ClientIDManagerStartup.log Error: 0x80040225 & Error 3

    Failed to send registration request message. Error: 0x80040225

    also when you see in the error 3 in ClientIDManagerStartup log

    RegTask: Server rejected registration request: 3    ClientIDManagerStartup    26/01/2012 1:07:43 AM    7904 (0x1EE0)


    You might also see (not in all cases) in ccmexec.log

    System task 'ClientRegistrationStartup' returned error code 0x80040222.    CcmExec    26/01/2012 1:10:03 AM    7904 (0x1EE0)

    Solution: Remove the Client authentication and SMS certificates Certificates of from Certificates console and request new certificates

    PXE-T00: Unspecified file opening error detected

    Found the error: While deploying 7 with the SCCM 2007 and MDT 2010.

    sccm PXE-T00: Unspecified file opening error detected
    PXE-E36:Error Received from TFTP server



    Solution:This is not related to SCCM / WDS Issue.. it was with Symantec Ghost caused the issue, once the service was stopped the issue is resolved.

    Saturday, January 21, 2012

    How would I extend my Windows 2008 R2 Evolution ?

  • Click Start, and then click Command Prompt.
  • Type slmgr.vbs -dli, and then press ENTER to check the current status of your evaluation period.
  • To reset the evaluation period, type slmgr.vbs  /rearm, and then press ENTER.
  • Restart the computer.
  • It will again extend your evolution to 180 Days

    Friday, January 20, 2012

    How to change the SCCM Client Log files size to Max value that you want

    Sometimes or other we might need to retain the max size of log files for reading/analyzing.

    Here are some useful info………… in this regards………….

    Client side reference registry

    For X86 systems

    -          HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CCM\Logging\@GLOBAL

    For X64 systems

    -          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\CCM\Logging\@GLOBAL


    The reference key is Log Maxsize

    I tried to change manually by regedit how it is showing error as can’t be edited the value..

    So I depended on below WMI script

    ' VBScript to change the Log File Size on a ConfigMgr client

    ' Change the 500000 to your required size in bytes


    Dim newLogMaxSize

    Dim sMachine

    newLogMaxSize = 500000

    sMachine = "."

    set oCCMNamespace = GetObject("winmgmts://" & sMachine & "/root/ccm")

    Set oInstance = oCCMNamespace.Get("SMS_Client")

    set oParams = oInstance.Methods_("SetGlobalLoggingConfiguration").inParameters.SpawnInstance_()

    oParams.LogMaxSize = newLogMaxSize

    oCCMNamespace.ExecMethod "SMS_Client", "SetGlobalLoggingConfiguration", oParams

    ' End of script


    So Do not change the registry value directly!


    The SDK shows the SetGlobalLoggingConfiguration Method in Class SMS_Client


    Monday, January 16, 2012

    How to learn / Education

    Education has five aspects

    1. Information -- Often we think information is education, but it is only one aspect of education.

    2. Concepts -- Concepts are the basis for all research. You need to conceive in order to create.

    3. Attitude -- An integral aspect of education is cultivating the right attitude. Proper attitude at the right time and place determines your actions and behavior.

    4. Imagination -- Imagination is essential for creativity, for the arts. But if you get stuck in imagination, you may become psychotic.

    5. Freedom -- Freedom is your very nature. Only with freedom, do joy, generosity and other human values blossom. Without freedom, attitudes become stifling, concepts become a burden, information is of no value and imagination becomes stagnant.
    Just understand these five aspects of education.

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    The program for advertisement "CEN20199" has not been run yet ("CEN0018E" - "*"). Software Distribution is currently paused on this computer, and it has to be resumed before this program can begin.

    You may get above (The program for advertisement "XXXXXXX" has not been run yet ("XXXXXXXX" - "*"). Software Distribution is currently paused on this computer, and it has to be resumed before this program can begin. ) error and your advertisement will never run…  because system required a reboot to continue further any installation……




    Solution: Reboot the system


    Packaging tools - From Forum Responses

    Some of Free Packaging tools - From Forum Responses

    1. Install shield Adminstudio
    2. wise package studio
    3. Repackaging tool
    4. EMCO Package Builder!
    5. Invest some time and training budget in

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Windows 7 End User Training Guide

    Below is the very common training on Windows 7 for End User Training.


    1.    PC maintenance and performance

    a.     Delete files using Disk Cleanup (1 mins, Short Topic)

    b.     Ways to improve your computer's performance (2 mins, Article)

    c.     Back up your files (1 mins, Short Topic)

    d.     Previous versions of files: frequently asked questions(4 mins, Web based)

    e.     Back up and Restore: frequently asked questions (2 mins, Reference Topic)

    f.      Backing up and restoring your computer (5 mins, Tour/Video)

    g.     Solving common problems with Troubleshooters (5 mins, Tour/Video)

    h.     What information appears in event logs (Event Viewer)? (1 mins, Short Topic)

    i.      Stop a program from running automatically when Windows starts(1 mins, Short Topic)

    j.      See details about your computer's performance using Task Manager (2 mins, Short Topic)

    k.     Change the program that opens a type of file(1 mins, Short Topic)

    l.      Get computer speed and performance information(1 mins, Short Topic)

    m.   Recover lost or deleted files (1 mins, Short Topic)


    2.    Security and privacy

    a.     Laptop security basics (2 mins, Article)

    b.     Tips for creating strong passwords and passphrases (2 mins, Short Topic)

    c.     Help protect your files using BitLocker Drive Encryption (2 mins, Short Topic)

    d.     Spyware: frequently asked questions(2 mins, Reference Topic)

    e.     What is Encrypting File System (EFS)? (1 mins, Short Topic)


    3.    Collaborating and communicating

    a.     What happened to NetMeeting? (1 mins, Short Topic)

    b.     What happened to Windows Messenger? (1 mins, Short Topic)

    c.     Set up a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network (1 mins, Short Topic)


    4.    Desktop and Start menu

    a.     Desktop Experience in Windows 7 (15 mins, Tour/Video)

    b.     The Start menu (overview) (7 mins, Article)

    c.     What's new with the Windows desktop? (2 mins, Short Topic)

    d.     The taskbar (overview) (5 mins, Article)

    e.     What's new with the Windows 7 taskbar? (4 mins, Article)

    f.      Getting around the desktop Getting around the desktop (6 mins, Tour/Video)

    g.     Personalizing your PC (5 mins, Tour/Video)

    h.     Change thumbnail size and file details (1 mins, Short Topic)

    i.      Introducing Windows 7 at work (20 mins, Tour/Video)Set the clock

    j.      Using Jump Lists to open programs and items (less than 1 mins, Tour/Video)

    k.     What happened to the Run command? (1 mins, Short Topic)

    l.      What's new with the Start menu? (1 mins, Article)

    m.   What's new with the Windows 7 desktop? (2 mins, Short Topic)

    n.     Customize the Start menu (4 mins, Reference Topic)

    o.     Getting the best display on your monitor (2 mins, Article)

    p.     Pin a program to the taskbar (2 mins, Tour/Video)

    q.     Rearrange buttons on the taskbar(2 mins, Short Topic)

    r.     Clear lists on the Start menu and taskbar (2 mins, Tour/Video)

    s.     Desktop gadgets (overview) (5 mins, Short Topic)

    t.      Take a screen capture (Printing screen) (1 mins, Short Topic)

    u.     Show, hide, or resize desktop icons (1 mins, Short Topic)

    v.     Recover files from the Recycle Bin (1 mins, Short Topic)


    5.    Ease of Access (Accessibility)

    a.     What accessibility features does Windows offer? (2 mins, Article)

    b.     Make items on the screen appear bigger (Magnifier) (1 mins, Short Topic)

    c.     Make the computer easier to see (1 mins, Short Topic) (Use Ease of Access Center to adjust settings and programs)

    d.     Text to speech: frequently asked questions (1 mins, Reference Topic)

    e.     What can I do with Speech Recognition? (Use your voice to dictate text and control your computer) (1 mins, Article)

    f.      What's New: Changes made to Excel functions (5 mins, Reference Topic)

    6.    Finding and organizing files

    a.     Accessing Information in Windows 7 (15 mins, Tour/Video)

    b.     Save a search (1 mins, Short Topic)

    c.     Improve Windows searches using the index: frequently asked questions(4 mins, Reference Topic)

    d.     Libraries: frequently asked questions (5 mins, Short Topic)

    7.    Internet Explorer

    a.     Internet Explorer at a glance (4 mins, Article)

    b.     Internet Explorer 8 Overview (2 mins, Tour/Video)

    c.     Internet Explorer accessibility options (2 mins, Short Topic)

    d.     How to know if an online transaction is secure(2 mins, Article)

    e.     Show the menus in Internet Explorer (1 mins, Short Topic)

    f.      Find recently visited webpages (1 mins, Short Topic)

    g.     Should I install ActiveX controls? (1 mins, Short Topic)

    h.     Zoom in on a webpage (1 mins, Short Topic)

    i.      Preview the appearance of a Printed webpage in Internet Explorer (2 mins, Short Topic)

    j.      Tips for searching the Internet (3 mins, Article)

    k.     Using Quick Tabs in Internet Explorer (1 mins, Short Topic)

    l.      Managing your Internet Explorer favorites (1 mins, Short Topic)

    m.   Using RSS feeds Automatically get updated content published by a website, such as news  (2 mins, Article)

    n.     Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts (4 mins, Article)

    o.     Using Accelerators to find addresses, define words, and do other tasks with selected text (7 mins, Guided Example)

    p.     Web Slices: frequently asked questions (5 mins, Reference Topic)

    q.     Internet Explorer add-ons: frequently asked questions (2 mins, Reference Topic)

    r.     Save a webpage as a file (1 mins, Short Topic)

    8.    Mobile PC tips

    a.     Using your laptop in meetings (2 mins, Article)

    b.     Find a file or folder Looking for files in all the right places  (2 mins, Short Topic)

    c.     Searching in Windows: frequently asked questions (4 mins, Reference Topic)

    d.     Create a shortcut to (map) a network drive Easily get to your network drives  (1 mins, Short Topic)



    9.    Getting help

    a.     Getting help (3 mins, Article)

    b.     Get the latest Help content Always

    c.     Get help with your computer using Windows Remote Assistance (1 mins, Short Topic)


    10.  Printing


    a.     What happened to the Printers folder? (1 mins, Short Topic)


    11.  Turning off and starting up the computer


    a.     Change what happens when you close your laptop (1 mins, Short Topic)

    b.     Change what happens when you press the power button on your computer (1 mins, Short Topic)

    12.  Wireless networking


    a.     How do I know if a wireless network is secure? Check before you connect  (1 mins, Short Topic)

    b.     Switching between your home and workplace networks Use a work laptop on a home network  (3 mins, Article)

    c.     Mobile broadband: frequently asked questions (2 mins, Reference Topic)

    13.  Working offline

    a.     Working with network files when you are offline (3 mins, Short Topic)

    b.     Continue working if you lose or unplug your network connection (3 mins, Article)


    14.  Managing battery power

    a.     Change, create, or delete a power plan (scheme) (2 mins, Short Topic)