Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
Set objService = colServices.Item(0)
objService.Enabled = TRUE
Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
We're all familiar with the "%" wildcard, However if you want more search like google.... then.. here are the tips
Check this out (from the Admin guide):
% (percent sign)Any string of zero or more characters. For example:Mo% searches for all names that begin with the letters mo (Mom, Morgan)
%mo searches for all names that end with mo (Satchmo)
%mo% searches for all names that include mo (Mom, Satchmo, tomorrow).
_ (underscore)Any single character. For example:
_ill searches for any four-letter names ending with the letters ill (mill, Will)
[] (brackets)Any single character within the specified range. For example:
[HD]an[eo]n searches for all names that begin with H or D, then an, then e or o, and then end with n (Hanson, Hansen, Danson, Dansen)
[B-K]enson searches for all names ending with enson that begin with any single letter from B through K (Benson, Jenson)
[^] (caret)Any single character not within the specified range. For example:
M[^c]% searches for all names beginning with the letter M that do not have the letter c as the second letter (MacPherson)
To use the %, _, [], or [^] characters as literal characters rather than as wildcard characters, do the following:
Use square brackets around the percent sign, the underscore, and the open bracket (that is, [%], [_], and [[]).
For example:
5[%] searches for 5%
[_]n searches for _n
[[] searches for [
Use the close bracket by itself. For example:
] searches for ]
Use the dash as the first character inside a set of square brackets. For example:
[-acdf] searches for -,a,c,d, or f
Error Code | Description |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040200) NAMENOTFOUND2147746304 | Name not found |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040201) BADNAMEFORMAT2147746305 | Incorrect name format |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040202) SERVICESHUTDOWN2147746306 | Service is shutting down |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040203) DATAEMPTY2147746307 | No data supplied |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040204) DATATOOLARGE2147746308 | Data too large |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040205) INVALIDPATH2147746309 | Invalid path |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040206) INVALIDFILE2147746310 | Invalid file |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040207) PARSE2147746311 | Parsing error |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040208) INVALIDCOMMAND2147746312 | Invalid command |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040209) DATATYPEMISMATCH2147746313 | Data type mismatch |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040210) INVALIDTRANSLATOR2147746320 | Invalid Translator |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040211) INVALIDADDRESS2147746321 | Invalid Address |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040212) CONTEXTCLOSED2147746322 | Context is closed |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040213) TIMEOUT2147746323 | Timeout occurred |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040214) INVALIDNAMELEN2147746324 | Invalid name length |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040215) ITEMNOTFOUND2147746325 | Item not found |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040216) INVALIDSERVICEPARAM2147746326 | Invalid service parameter. The WMI file could be corrupt or there was a manual change to a site control file. |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040217) DATACORRUPT2147746327 | Data is corrupt |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040218) INVALIDSERVICESETTING2147746328 | Invalid service settings |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040219) GLOBALSERVICENOTSET2147746329 | Global service not set |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040220) INVALIDTYPE2147746336 | Invalid type |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040221) INVALIDUSER2147746337 | Invalid user. An operation for a user that is not logged on is in process or the user account is invalid. |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040222) CANCELLED2147746338 | Operation cancelled |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040223) VERSIONMISMATCH2147746339 | Version mismatch |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040224) INVALIDMESSAGE2147746340 | Invalid message |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040225) INVALIDADDRESSTYPE2147746341 | Invalid address type |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040226) INVALIDPROTOCOL2147746342 | Invalid protocol |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040227) DISABLED2147746343 | Functionality disabled |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040228) INVALIDENDPOINT2147746344 | Invalid endpoint |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040229) GETCREDENTIALS2147746345 | Failed to get credentials |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040230) LOGONUSER2147746352 | Error logging on as given credentials |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040231) TRANSIENT2147746353 | Transient error that could indicate a network problem. |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040232) MESSAGENOTSIGNED2147746354 | Message not signed |
CCM_E_MESSAGENOTTRUSTED(0X 0x80040233)2147746355 | Message not trusted |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040234) INTERNALENDPOINT2147746356 | Internal endpoint cannot receive a remote message |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040235) PARSE_SYNTAX2147746357 | Syntax error occurred while parsing |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040236) LOWMEMORY2147746358 | Low memory. |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040237) REPLYMODE_INCOMPATIBLE2147746359 | Reply mode incompatible |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040238) PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND2147746360 | Public key not found |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040239) CLIENT_ID_NOT_FOUND2147746361 | Client ID not found |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040240) INSUFFICIENTDISKSPACE2147746368 | Insufficient disk space |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040241) DATABASE_CONNECT_FAILED2147746369 | Failed to connect to database |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040242) STORED_PROCEDURE_FAILED2147746370 | Stored procedure failed |
CCM_ERRORCODE(0x 80040243) PUBLIC_KEY_MISMATCH2147746371 | Public key mismatch |
CCM_E_BAD_HTTP_STATUS_CODE (0x 8004027E) 2147746430 | Client communication from the management point failed. |
CCM_E_EMPTY_CERT_STORE (0x 80040280) 2147746432 | A valid certificate was not found in the certificate store. |
CCM_E_NO_CERT_MATCHING_CRITERIA (0x 80040281) 2147746433 | No valid certificate could be found using the specified certificate selection. |
CCM_E_TOO_MANY_CERTS (0x 080040282) 2147746434 | More than one valid certificate was located |
CCM_E_MISSING_PRIVATEKEY (0x 080040283) 2147746435 | The selected certificate does not have a corresponding private key, which is required for successful communication. |
CCM_E_MISSING_SUBJECT_NAME (0x 080040284) 2147746436 | The selected certificate does not have a Subject Name defined. |
CCM_E_UNKNOWN_SEARCH_CRITERIA (0x 080040285) 2147746436 | The certificate selection criteria syntax is invalid. |
CCM_E_INVALID_SMS_AUTHORITY (0x 080040286) 2147746437 | The certificate does not successfully chain to a trusted root certification authority. |
CCM_E_MISSING_SITE_SIGNING_CERT (0x 080040287) 2147746438 | Cannot locate the required Configuration Manager site server signing certificate for this site. |
HandleRemoteSyncSend failed (0x80040309).2147746569 | The 'trust failed'. This happens when the client doesn't trust data from the management point. |
CForwarder_Sync::Send failed (0x80040309).2147746569 | The 'trust failed'. This happens when the client doesn't trust data from the management point. |
CForwarder_Base::Send failed (0x80040309).2147746569 | The 'trust failed' This happens when the client doesn't trust data from the management point. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_MPREFRESHCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040300)2147746560 | Client trying to refresh management point and it is empty. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_NOADCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040301)2147746561 | Client is configured to only read Active Directory Domain Services and couldn't find the requested location (site assignment, management point) data. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_NOTASSIGNEDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040302)2147746562 | Client is trying to do something that requires being assigned to a site and it is not assigned. Only called from NAP when trying to refresh the management point. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_INTERNALERRORCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040303)2147746563 | Internal error |
CCM_E_LOCATION_BADSERVERCERTCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040304)2147746564 | Management point certification is corrupt from client's perspective, which could be due to network corruption or an attacker. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_BADCLIENTCERTCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040305)2147746565 | Client certification is corrupt from site system's perspective, which could be due to network corruption or an attacker. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_MPUNREACHABLECCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040306)2147746566 | Client failed to connect to management point to make a location services request (MPLIST or MPKEYINFORMATION). |
CCM_E_LOCATION_PROXYMPREFRESHCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040307)2147746567 | Client is trying to refresh proxy management point and it's empty. May only be called from NAP when trying to refresh the proxy management point. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_LOCALMPREFRESHCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040308)2147746568 | Client is trying to refresh local management point and it's empty. Only called from NAP when trying to refresh proxy management point. |
CCM_E_LOCATION_MESSAGEFAILEDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040309)2147746569 | In most cases this indicates that the in band server authorization failed on a client, usually because the trusted root key does not match the management point certificate. |
Error Code | Description |
0x80040752 E_DCM_DOTNETMISSING | Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later not installed |
0x80040756 E_DCM_SDM_REPORTING_FAILED 2147747670 | Client failed to report state or status. |
0x80040763 E_DCM_CI_INTERNAL_FAILURE 2147747683 | WMI corruption or heap corruption |
0x80040764 E_DCM_SDM_INTERNAL_FAILURE | WMI corruption, memory corruption, disk corruption |
0x80040765 E_DCM_SDM_CLRHOST_LAUNCH_FAILURE | Problem with client installation or.NET Framework 2.0 installation |
Error Code | Description |
0x80040900 | A valid WMI instance inventoried could not be added to the report. The __Path property may be undefined. |
Error Code | Description |
-2147220846FFFFFFFF80040292 | Unable to compute message signature for in-band authentication. |
-2147220843FFFFFFFF80040295 | Unable to find a valid client authentication certificate for registration. |
11520 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Failed to establish ActiveSync or Mobile Device Center connection to the mobile device. |
11521 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Invalid client settings file. |
11522 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Error determining running directory for DmClientXfer.exe |
11523 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Required ActiveSync libraries missing. |
11524 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Could not determine processor type of attached mobile device. |
11525 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Could not determine base operating system version of attached mobile device. |
11526 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Error determining client version for the attached mobile device. |
11527 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Error creating client settings .ini file. |
11528 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Failed to copy files to the attached mobile device. |
11529 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Failed executing the mobile device client installer program on attached mobile device. |
11530 | Mobile device client deployment action may have failed. Failed reading status information from the mobile device. |
11540 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Error determining running directory for the mobile device client installer program. |
11541 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Error executing the pre-install command line. |
11542 | Mobile device client deployment action failed. Error executing the post-install command line. |
11550 | Mobile device client installation or upgrade failed. Error during removal of the previous client. |
11551 | Mobile device client installation or upgrade failed. Invalid client settings file. |
11552 | Mobile device client installation or upgrade failed. Error installing client CAB file. |
11553 | Mobile device client installation or upgrade failed. Error starting client service. |
11554 | Mobile device client installation or upgrade failed. Error updating client settings. |
11555 | Device Client Deployment failed with unknown error. |
11560 | Mobile device client verification or repair failed. Error during removal of previous client. |
11561 | Mobile device client verification or repair failed. Invalid client settings file. |
11562 | Mobile device client verification or repair failed. Error installing client CAB file. |
11563 | Mobile device client verification or repair failed. Error starting client service. |
11564 | Mobile device client verification or repair failed. Error updating client settings. |
11565 | Mobile device client verification or repair failed. Error restoring required files. |
11566 | Mobile device client privileged certificate installation failed. |
11567 | Encountered unknown error installing the device client. |
11568 | Mobile device client setup failed to launch during install. |
11570 | Mobile device client removal failed. Error using unload.exe to uninstall the existing client. |
11571 | Mobile device client install/upgrade failed. Error enforcing new client. Mobile device rolled back to old client (if existed before). |
11572 | Mobile device client rollback failed during unsuccessful upgrade. Error enforcing old client. |
11573 | Mobile device client failed to perform post cab install actions. Device client installation failed. |
Error Code | Description |
0x80040001 | Could not get the client GUID |
0x80040101 | Network access account is not set |
0x80040102 | No content location returned for the given package |
0x80040103 | Could not access package content in the DP |
0x80040104 | Could not find reference program policy |
0x80040105 | Could not find CCM_ClientAgentConfig raw policy |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,1) | An invalid image capture path has been specified. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,2) | An invalid image file name extension has been specified. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,3) | An invalid image file name extension has been specified. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,4) | Image capture path is too long |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,5) | An invalid image file name extension has been specified. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,1) | Timeout waiting for PNP to finish initialization. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,2) | Task sequence failed in Windows PE |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,1) | An invalid network adapter index has been specified |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,1) | Sysprep is not installed |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,4) | Machine is joined to a domain |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,5) | Machine is domain controller |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,1) | A default management point has not been assigned for this site. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,2) | Certificates for the default management point are not available. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,3) | Package {0} is not available on the specified distribution points. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,4) | Invalid password for media certificate |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,5) | The media certificate does not have an associated private key |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,6) | The certification authority's certificate has not been set for this site. |
Error Code | Description |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,1) | Another remote control session is already in progress. Remote Control does not support multiple concurrent remote control sessions. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,2) | Level of access allowed is set to "No Access" in the Remote Tools client agent General tab on the site server or in the Remote Control control panel applet. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,3) | Remote Control Agent was not properly installed on the client. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,4) | No interactive session found on the client. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,5) | Remote computer screen is locked. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,6) | Failed to create the RDP session. |
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,9) | Failed to launch the Remote Control Agent process. |
Error Code | Description |
E_FAIL_EXECUTION_PENDING 0x80008001 | The program cannot be run now from the client UI because : A restart is in progress. or Software Distribution is paused because of a task sequence running or Another program is currently running NOTE: This error code is only returned to the UI and is not present in status messages. |
E_FAIL_DUPLICATE_REQUEST 0x80008002 | The program cannot be run again from the client UI because it is already pending, an optional (initiated from the UI) run request already exists for it. NOTE: This error code is only returned to the UI and is not present in status messages. |
E_SWDIST_POLICY_NOT_FOUND 0x80002004 | The software distribution policy was not found. |
E_FAIL_PROGRAM_DISABLED 0x80008004 | The program cannot run because it is currently disabled. |
E_FAIL_INVALID_POLICY 0x80008005 | This error code can be returned on the client if policy cannot be found or the policy is not valid to run or cancel the requested program. NOTE: This error code is currently not sent in status messages. |
E_FAIL_INVALID_PROGRAM 0x80008006 | The requested program is not currently pending. This error code can be returned on the client if the user attempts to continue or cancel the program that is not currently pending. It can also be returned to the task sequence manager (TSM) when TSM requests download locations for packages that are not referenced by the currently running task sequence. NOTE: This error code is not raised in status messages by Software distribution, but could be raised by task sequence. |
E_FAIL_SET_CACHEDCONTENTINUSE 0x80008008 | Unable to set the CachedContentInUse flag. Failed to indicate the client cache is currently in use. |
E_FAIL_WMI_ERROR 0x80008009 | Failed to read data from WMI. The program could not continue because a system restart is in progress or there is already a run request for this program that requires a reboot. |
E_FAIL_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND 0x80008011 | Used for Task Sequence. Failed to reconnect to Task Sequence job because a request cannot be found with the given job ID. NOTE: Not sent in status message by Software Distribution, but may be used by task sequence. |
E_FAIL_ACTIVE_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND 0x80008012 | There is no program currently running. This error code is returned to task sequence when there is no run request that is currently running, but task sequence tries to get the currently running request. |
E_FAIL_DEPENDENCY_NOT_RUN 0x80008013 | This program cannot run because it depends on another program that has not run successfully before. This error code is returned to task sequence manager when a task sequence Install Software Action step cannot be run because the step has a child program which has not been run before. |
E_FAIL_USER_REQUIRED 0x80008014 | This error code is returned to task sequence manager when an "Install Software" step cannot be run because the software distribution program in this step is targeted to a user, requires user input or is set to run in user context |
E_FAIL_SWD_NOT_PAUSED 0x80008015 | Failed to notify caller that software distribution is paused because the paused state or paused cookie do not match. |
E_FAIL_INVALID_HASH 0x80008017 | The content hash string or hash versions are empty or incorrect in the software distribution policy or the hash verification failed. |
E_FAIL_CANNOT_RUN_ON_INTERNET 0x80008018 | The program cannot run at this time because the client is on the internet. |
E_FAIL_EXECUTION_NONFATAL 0x80008100 | A non fatal error has been encountered while attempting to run the program. The program execution will be retried if the retry count has not been exceeded. |
E_FAIL_BAD_ENVIRONMENT_NONFATAL 0x80008103 | A non fatal error occurred while preparing to run the program, for example when creating the program execution environment, making a network connection, impersonating the user, determining the file association information, or when attempting to launch the program. This program execution will be retried if the retry count has not been exceeded. |
E_FAIL_PROGRAM_NOT_MONITORED 0x80008105 | An error was encountered while getting the process information for the launched program and the program execution will not be monitored. |
E_FAIL_BAD_ENVIRONMENT_FATAL 0x8000910A | A fatal error occurred while preparing to run the program, for example when creating the program execution environment, making a network connection, impersonating the user, determining the file association information, or when attempting to launch the program. This program execution will not be retried. |
E_FAIL_EXECUTION_FATAL 0x80009101 | A fatal error has been encountered while attempting to run the program. The program execution will not be retried. |
E_FAIL_INVALID_PROGRAM_OBJECT 0x80009102 | An error occurred while creating the execution context. This is error code indicates that an error was encountered while creating the internal execution context object. This is most likely not due to configuration errors, but could be because of low memory conditions, COM failures or other external errors. |
E_FAIL_INVALID_CMDLINE 0x80009104 | The command line for this program is invalid. |
E_FAIL_NO_CONTENT 0x80009106 | Failed to verify the executable file is valid or to construct the associated command line. |
E_FAIL_NO_SOURCE 0x80008107 | Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program may retry if the maximum retry count has not been reached. |
E_INVALID_CONTENT_REQUEST_HANDLE 0x80008200 | This is an internal error. No content request found with the given handle. |
E_NO_SPACE_IN_CACHE 0x80008201 | The content download cannot be performed because there is not enough available space in cache or the disk is full. |
E_CACHE_TOO_SMALL 0x80008202 | The content download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content. |
E_CACHE_IN_USE 0x80008203 | The client cache is currently in use by a running program or by a download in progress. |
E_NO_DP_FOUND 0x80008204 | NOTE: this error code is sent at least in status message 10051. No distribution points were found for the requested content. |
E_FAIL_LOCATION_REQUEST 0x80008210 | Failed to get content locations. |
E_FAIL_JOB_PENDING 0x80008250 | The computer restart cannot be initiated because a software installation job is in progress. |
E_FAIL_INACCESSIBLE_SOURCE 0x80009108 | Failed to access all the provided program locations. This program will not retry. |
E_FAIL_INVALID_MSI 0x80009109 | Failed to verify that the given file is a valid installation package. |
Error Code | Description |
E_UPDDEPLOY_APPLY_NOT_REQUIREDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040708)2147747592 | Software Updates Install not required. |
E_MONITOR_RESUME_FAILURECCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040709)2147747593 | Failed to resume the monitoring of the process. |
E_INVALID_CMDLINECCM_ERRORCODE(0x8004070A)2147747594 | Invalid command line |
E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURECCM_ERRORCODE(0x8004070B)2147747595 | Failed to create process |
E_EXECUTION_TIMEOUTCCM_ERRORCODE(0x8004070C)2147747596 | Software update execution timeout |
E_UPDATE_FAILED_RESULTCCM_ERRORCODE(0x8004070D)2147747597 | Software update failed when attempted |
E_EMPTY_COMMANDLINECCM_ERRORCODE(0x8004070E)2147747598 | Empty command line specified |
E_INVALID_INSTALLER_PATHCCM_ERRORCODE(0x8004070F)2147747599 | Invalid updates installer path |
E_COMPARE_CREATION_TIMESCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040710)2147747600 | Failed to compare process creation time. |
E_DEPLOYMENT_NOT_ACTIVECCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040711)2147747601 | Software updates deployment not active yet for example, start time is in future |
E_UPDDEPLOY_REBOOT_REQUIREDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040712)2147747602 | A system restart is required to complete the installation. |
E_NO_DETECT_RESULTCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040713)2147747603 | Software updates detection results not received yet. |
E_UPDATES_USERINSTALL_RESTART_PENDING CCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040714)2147747604 | User based install not allowed as system restart is pending. |
E_USERINSTALL_NO_UPDATESCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040715)2147747605 | No applicable updates specified in user install request. |
E_NOINTERFACE FFFFFFFF80004002-2147467262 | No such interface supported |
[DCOM belly up] CAgent::CreateJob failed FFFFFFFF8007000E-2147024882 | Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. |
ERROR_TIMEOUT FFFFFFFF800705B4-2147023436 | This operation returned because the timeout period expired. |
[Scan fails on x64vista] OnSearchComplete0x80240032[WU]-2145124302 | Failed to end search job [SMS] WU client failed Searching for update with error. |
WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Same as -ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED FFFFFFFF8024402C-2145107924 | The proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved. |
FFFFFFFF80040692-2147219822 | Group Policy conflict |
FFFFFFFF80040693-2147219821 | Low WUA version |
WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAYFF80244021-2145107935 | Same as HTTP status 502. The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request. |
-939523070ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS FFFFFFFFC8000402 | Object already exists |
[SA fail if SWD not working] createInstance failed for UpdateServiceManager FFFFFFFF80040154-2147221164 | Class not registered |
FFFFFFFF800705B4-2147023436 | This operation returned because the timeout period expired. |
ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT FFFFFFFF80072EE2-2147012894 | Internet timeout |
E_INVALIDSTATE_AFTER_APPLY FFFFFFFF80040668-2147219864 | Software update still detected as actionable after apply. |
E_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT FFFFFFFF8004070C-2147219700 | Software update execution timeout |
WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED - same as ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVEDFFFFFFFF8024402C-2145107924 | The proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved. |
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND FFFFFFFF80070003-2147024893 | The system cannot find the path specified. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS FFFFFFFF80070050-2147024816 | The file exists |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED or E_ACCESS_DENIEDFFFFFFFF80070005-2147024891 | Access denied |
WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Same as ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED FFFFFFFF8024402C-2145107924 | The proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved. |
ERROR_INAVILD_ENVIROMENT FFFFFFFF8004070D-2147219699 | Software update failed when attempted. |
Install Errors | |
-Last Install Error FF8024402C WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED - same as ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED2145107924 | The proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved. |
Last Install Error FF8007066F ERROR_PATCH_NOT_APPLIED -2147023249 | Can sometimes happen when Windows Installer configuration for an installed application is out of sequence for example, Windows Installer thinks it has more patches applied than is really the case (this sometimes used to happen with roaming profiles). |
Last Install ErrorFF8007064 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE-2147023293 | Generic failure code from Windows Installer installs. |
Last Install ErrorFF8007F0F4 STATUS_PREREQUISITE_FAILED-2146963212 | Generated by update.exe. People seem to be getting this when they try to install a Service Pack while on battery power. |
Last Install ErrorFF8007F0F5 WU_E_DM_INCORRECTFILEHASH-2146963211 | The WU Agent's metadata store and the policy received by ccmexec could be out of sync. |
Last Install Error FF8007F0F6 ERROR INVALID PARAMETER-2146963212 | Failed to start the installation of updates because update is not found |
Scan Failures | |
Last Scan ErrorFF80244021WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY-2145107935 | Possible network connectivity issues |
Last Scan ErrorFF8024001DWU_E_INVALID_UPDATE-2145124323 | An update contains invalid metadata. |
Last Scan ErrorFF80004002E_NOINTERFACE-2147467262 | No such interface supported |
Last Scan ErrorFFC8000402RECORD TOO BIG-939523070 | This seems to be a recoverable error, and possibly due to many Scan Service Packages left around when the 2003 ITMU was used. This is NOT the case. |
FF8024400A WU_E_PT_SOAPCLIENT_PARSE1097366519818 | Needs update |
Last Scan ErrorWU_E_SERVICE_STOPFF8024001E-2145124322 | Operation did not complete because the service or system was being shut down. |
Last Scan ErrorFF8024400DWU_E_PT_SOAP_CLIENT-2145107955 | SOAP client found the message was malformed. |
Last Scan ErrorFFC800042DRefreshServerUpdateInfo-939523027 | WSUS unable to update software distribution folder. Scans fail. |
Last Scan ErrorFF80244022WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAIL-2145107934 | HTTP status 503. The service is temporarily overloaded. |
Last Scan ErrorFF80240032WU_E_INVALID_CRITERIA-2145124302 | The search criteria string was invalid. |
Last Scan ErrorFF80240013WU_E_DUPLICATE_ITEM-2145124333 | Failed to add file to the FileLocationList. |
Last Scan ErrorFF8007041DERROR SERVICE REQUEST TIMEOUT-2147023843 | The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. |
E_FAIL_POLICY_NOT_FOUNDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040600)2147747328 | Scan Tool Policy not found |
E_LOCATION_TIMEOUTCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040602)2147747330 | Out of cache space |
E_SCANTOOL_POLICY_REMOVEDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040603)2147747331 | The ScanTool Policy has been removed so cannot complete Scan Operation. |
E_SCANTOOL_NOTFOUND_INJOBQUEUECCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040604)2147747332 | The ScanTool was not found in the job queue. |
E_FAIL_SCAN_TOOL_REMOVEDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040605)2147747333 | Scan Tool has been Removed |
E_FAIL_OFFLINE_SCAN_HISTORY_NOT_FOUNDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040606)2147747334 | Scan Tool Policy not found |
E_CONTENT_NOT_FOUNDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040607)2147747335 | Out of cache space |
E_INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPECCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040608)2147747336 | Out of cache space |
E_NO_SPACE_IN_CACHE0x800082012147516929 | Out of cache space |
E_CACHE_TOO_SMALL0x800082022147516930 | Cache size is smaller than requested content's size. |
Deployments Agent Specific Errors | |
E_UPDDEPLOY_APPLY_NOT_ALLOWED CCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040700)2147747584 | Install not allowed |
E_UPDDEPLOY_DOWNLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED CCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040701)2147747585 | Download not allowed |
E_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_NOT_FOUNDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040702)2147747586 | Assignment policy not available |
E_ANOTHER_JOB_IN_PROGRESSCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040703)2147747587 | Only one job is allowed at a time |
E_HARDREBOOT_PENDINGCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040704)2147747588 | Only one job is allowed at a time. |
2147747589E_PAUSE_STATE_REQUIREDCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040705) | Pause state required |
2147747590E_NO_ACTIVE_JOBCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040706) | No active job exists (while reconnect called). |
2147747591E_JOB_ID_MISMATCHCCM_ERRORCODE(0x80040707) |
Topic Type | Description |
200 | NAP |
702 | DDM ClientKeyData change |
900 | BRANCH_DP |
1500 | CAL_TRACK_UT |
1501 | CAL_TRACK_UL |
1502 | CAL_TRACK_MT |
1503 | CAL_TRACK_ML |
The following table lists the ID number and description for state messages sent by Configuration Manager clients. State message IDs are used to define specific state messages for each topic type. The state message description describes the state message sent by clients.
Topic Type | State Message ID | State Message Description |
300 | 0 | Compliance state unknown |
300 | 1 | Compliant |
300 | 2 | Non-compliant |
300 | 3 | Conflict detected |
301 | 0 | Enforcement state unknown |
301 | 1 | Installing update(s) |
301 | 2 | Waiting for restart |
301 | 3 | Waiting for another installation to complete |
301 | 4 | Successfully installed update(s) |
301 | 5 | Pending system restart |
301 | 6 | Failed to install update(s) |
301 | 7 | Downloading update(s) |
301 | 8 | Downloaded update(s) |
301 | 9 | Failed to download update(s) |
301 | 10 | Waiting for maintenance window before installing |
302 | 0 | Evaluation state unknown |
302 | 1 | Evaluation activated |
302 | 2 | Evaluation succeeded |
302 | 3 | Evaluation failed |
400 | 0 | Detection state unknown |
400 | 1 | Not Required |
400 | 2 | Not Detected |
400 | 3 | Detected |
401 | 0 | Compliance state unknown |
401 | 1 | Compliant |
401 | 2 | Non-Compliant |
401 | 3 | Conflict Detected |
401 | 4 | Error |
402 | 0 | Enforcement state unknown |
402 | 1 | Enforcement started |
402 | 2 | Enforcement waiting for content |
402 | 3 | Waiting for another installation to complete |
402 | 4 | Waiting for maintenance window before installing |
402 | 5 | Restart required before installing |
402 | 6 | General failure |
402 | 7 | Pending installation |
402 | 8 | Installing update |
402 | 9 | Pending system restart |
402 | 10 | Successfully installed update |
402 | 11 | Failed to install update |
402 | 12 | Downloading update |
402 | 13 | Downloaded update |
402 | 14 | Failed to download update |
500 | 0 | Detection state unknown |
500 | 1 | Update is not required |
500 | 2 | Update is required |
500 | 3 | Update is installed |
501 | 0 | Scan state unknown |
501 | 1 | Scan is waiting for content |
501 | 2 | Scan is running |
501 | 3 | Scan completed |
501 | 4 | Scan is pending retry |
501 | 5 | Scan failed |
501 | 6 | Scan completed with errors |
501 | 7 | SMS 2003 client |
800 | 100 | Client deployment started |
800 | 301 | Unknown client deployment failure. |
800 | 302 | Failed to create the ccmsetup service |
800 | 303 | Failed to delete the ccmsetup service |
800 | 304 | Cannot install over embedded operating system with File Based Write Filter (FBWF) enabled on system drive |
800 | 305 | Native security mode is not valid on Windows 2000 |
800 | 306 | Failed to start ccmsetup download process |
800 | 307 | Non-valid ccmsetup command line |
800 | 308 | Failed to download file over WINHTTP at address |
800 | 309 | Failed to download files through BITS at address |
800 | 310 | Failed to install BITS version |
800 | 311 | Can't verify that prerequisite file is MS signed |
800 | 312 | Failed to copy file because disk is full |
800 | 313 | Client.msi installation failed with MSI error |
800 | 314 | Failed to load ccmsetup.xml manifest file |
800 | 315 | Failed to obtain client certificate |
800 | 316 | Prerequisite file is not MS signed |
800 | 317 | Reboot required to continue installation |
800 | 318 | Can't install the client on the MP because the MP and client versions don't match |
800 | 319 | Operating system or service pack not supported |
800 | 400 | Client deployment succeeded |
800 | 500 | Client assignment started |
800 | 601 | Unknown client assignment failure |
800 | 602 | The following site code is invalid |
800 | 603 | Failed to assign to MP |
800 | 604 | Failed to discover default management point |
800 | 605 | Failed to download site signing certificate |
800 | 606 | Failed to auto discover site code |
800 | 607 | Site assignment failed; client version higher than site version |
800 | 608 | Failed to get Site Version from Active Directory Domain Services and SLP |
800 | 609 | Failed to get client version |
800 | 700 | Client assignment succeeded |
1000 | 1 | Client successfully communicating with management point |
1000 | 2 | Client failing to communicate with management point |
1001 | 1 | Client successfully retrieving certificate from local certificate store |
1001 | 2 | Client failing to retrieve certificate from local certificate store |
1100 | 1 | Client not ready for native mode |
1100 | 2 | Client ready for native mode |
This report lists all the virtual machines and also adds the PhysicalHostName0 property. This tells you the name of the host server the virtual system is sitting on.
Here is the report syntax:
SELECT distinct SYS.Netbios_Name0, Gvm.PhysicalHostName0, SYS.User_Name0,
SYS.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0,OPSYS.Caption0 as C054, OPSYS.Version0, ENCL.Manufacturer0,
CSYS.Model0, Processor.MaxClockSpeed0, MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0, WSTATUS.LastHWScan
FROM v_R_System SYS
LEFT JOIN v_RA_System_IPAddresses IPAddr on SYS.ResourceID = IPAddr.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN v_GS_PROCESSOR Processor on Processor.ResourceID = SYS.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN v_R_User USERS on SYS.User_Name0 = USERS.User_Name0
WHERE OPSYS.Caption0 is not null and CSYS.Model0 = 'Virtual Machine'
ORDER BY SYS.Netbios_Name0, SYS.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0